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Beginner Tut 19 - 2D Vectors

Posted: August 5th, 2018, 7:43 pm
by Multibyte
I was watching Beginner Tut 19 - 2D Vectors, and Chili said "Mathematical Linear Algebra".
I am afraid I am about to enter the realm of dark magic... :(

Re: Beginner Tut 19 - 2D Vectors

Posted: August 5th, 2018, 10:07 pm
by albinopapa
Ha, just wait until Advanced series, he really starts throwing equations around.

Re: Beginner Tut 19 - 2D Vectors

Posted: August 6th, 2018, 7:17 am
by randomGuy
Check out Khan Academy on youtube, helps a lot with the math stuff.

Re: Beginner Tut 19 - 2D Vectors

Posted: August 6th, 2018, 7:44 am
by albinopapa
God, I can't understand Sal's explanation of math topics. I ended up complaining about his explanation of the dot product. I think chili does a pretty good job honestly.

Re: Beginner Tut 19 - 2D Vectors

Posted: August 6th, 2018, 11:36 pm
by chili
I try to cut the out the bullshit and get to the point while still giving some kind of way to visualize or intuitively feel the operation being studied. It works for some of the people some of the time, which is the best I can hope for :lol:

Honestly what I do here is more of a taste. Most ppl serious about learning this stuff are going to have to dig in and do extra time studying other guides/textbooks, doing problems, and experimenting and applying the concepts to their own (at least semi) real projects.

Re: Beginner Tut 19 - 2D Vectors

Posted: August 7th, 2018, 3:12 am
by Multibyte
Actually, I think you do a good job in terms of explaining math stuff. I know the math we saw so far is just basic. All that action we see on the screen while playing professional games must be happening with lots of math magic under the hood since obviously they are all ultimately pixels moving around. :lol: Especially, the 3D stuff. :mrgreen:

I am not a math wizard, so probably it will take me some time and effort to go through especially later levels, but I like games so I am willing to give it a try. /cheers