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Common Issues - Discussion

Posted: January 5th, 2021, 2:08 pm
by albinopapa
chili wrote:There a funky one in the final project for Intermediate. It seems like box2d crew went and make a breaking change to the code, and it screws up the collision at the boundaries of the field. the boxes fly out and trigger an out-of-screen putpixel exception. At least, this is my surmise. I haven't cloned it lately and tried to build it myself. I'd have to pull the latest b2d via vcpkg as well... :[
I'm actually shocked that erin catta et al are updating things. Aside from now using cmake instead of premake, they are actually actively working on fixing bugs and adding small features.

I'd like to see them make some changes in the API such as using references or const references in their parameters instead of pointers/const pointers. I know that the common push is for pointer to be a pointer to a single object, but since it can also be the start of an array it confuses me when just looking at the API without reading through function or documentation. It shouldn't bother me all that much as one I don't use the library very often and two a lot of those functions are for internal use lol.

Anyway, I haven't had any luck with vcpkg so I wouldn't be able to help with that part.

Re: Common Issues - Discussion

Posted: January 6th, 2021, 4:32 am
by chili
I think they are sort of in the clan of ppl who view most C++ features with active distust/disgust. Don't expect any sweet RAII stuff anytime soon there :kappa: