2D algorithms

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2D algorithms

Post by albinopapa » April 2nd, 2019, 9:04 pm

I'm lazy, or just tired of writing the same shizz over and over anyway. So, I figured why not create some algorithms that loosely mimic the STL.

Copying one 2d array to another

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template<typename Cont1, typename Cont2, typename RectType>
void copy2d( const RectType& _bounds, const Cont1& _source, Cont2& _dest )
	using type_1 = typename Cont1::value_type;
	using type_2 = typename Cont2::value_type;
	static_assert( std::is_same_v<type_1,type_2>,
		"Container::value_type must be the same for both containers."
	const auto width = _bounds.Width();

	for( int y = _bounds.Top(); y < _bounds.Bottom(); ++y )
		if constexpr( std::is_trivially_copyable_v<type_1> )
			memcpy( std::addressof( _dest( 0, y ) ), std::addressof( _source( 0, y ) ), sizeof( type_1 ) * width );
			for( int x = _bounds.Left(); x < _bounds.Right(); ++x )
				_dest( x, y ) = _source( x, y );
Copy regions of one 2D array to another

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template<typename Cont1, typename Cont2, typename RectType>
void copy2d( const RectType& _srcBounds, const RectType& _dstBounds, const Cont1& _source, Cont2& _dest )
	using type_1 = typename Cont1::value_type;
	using type_2 = typename Cont2::value_type;
	static_assert( std::is_same_v<type_1, type_2>,
		"Container::value_type must be the same for both containers."

		_srcBounds.Width() == _dstBounds.Width() &&
		_srcBounds.Height() == _dstBounds.Height() &&
		"Source and destination RectTypes must be same dimensions." );

	const auto stride = sizeof( type_1 ) * _srcBounds.Width();
	for( int y = _srcBounds.Top(); y < _srcBounds.Bottom(); ++y )
		const auto srcy = y + _srcBounds.Top();
		const auto dsty = y + _dstBounds.Top();
		if constexpr( std::is_trivially_copyable_v<type_1> )
			auto* dst = std::addressof( _dest( _dstBounds.Left(), dsty ) );
			auto const* src = std::addressof( _source( _srcBounds.Left(), srcy ) );
			memcpy( dst, src, stride );
			for( int x = _srcBounds.Left(); x < _srcBounds.Right(); ++x )
				for( int x = 0; x < _srcBounds.Width(); ++x )
					const auto srcx = x + _srcBounds.Left();
					const auto dstx = x + _dstBounds.Left();

					_dest( dstx, dsty ) = _source( srcx, srcy );
Conditionally copy regions

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template<typename Cont1, typename Cont2, typename RectType, typename Pred>
void copy2d_if(
	const RectType& _srcBounds, const RectType& _dstBounds, const Cont1& _source, Cont2& _dest,
	Pred&& _pred )
	using type_1 = typename Cont1::value_type;
	using type_2 = typename Cont2::value_type;
	static_assert( std::is_same_v<type_1, type_2>,
		"Container::value_type must be the same for both containers."

		_srcBounds.Width() == _dstBounds.Width() &&
		_srcBounds.Height() == _dstBounds.Height() &&
		"Source and destination RectTypes must be same dimensions." );

	for( int y = 0; y < _srcBounds.Height(); ++y )
		const auto srcy = y + _srcBounds.Top();
		const auto dsty = y + _dstBounds.Top();
		for( int x = 0; x < _srcBounds.Width(); ++x )
			const auto srcx = x + _srcBounds.Left();
			const auto dstx = x + _dstBounds.Left();

			if( const auto& elem = _source( srcx, srcy ); _pred( elem ) )
				_dest( dstx, dsty ) = elem;
Generic iterate over region

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template<typename Cont, typename RectType, typename Func>
void for_each2d( const RectType& _bounds, Cont& _container, Func&& _func )
	for( std::int32_t y = _bounds.Top(); y < _bounds.Bottom(); ++y )
		for( std::int32_t x = _bounds.Left(); x < _bounds.Right(); ++x )
			_func( _container( x, y ) );
Fill a region with a single value

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template<typename Cont, typename RectType>
void fill2d( const typename Cont::value_type& _value, const RectType& _bounds, Cont& _container )
	for( int y = _bounds.Top(); y < _bounds.Bottom(); ++y )
		for( int x = _bounds.Left(); x < _bounds.Right(); ++x )
			_container( x, y ) = _value;
Generate result from some function

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template<typename Cont, typename RectType, typename Generator>
void generate2d( const RectType& _bounds, Cont& _cont, Generator&& _generate )
	for( int y = _bounds.Top(); y < _bounds.Bottom(); ++y )
		for( int x = _bounds.Left(); x < _bounds.Right(); ++x )
			_cont( x, y ) = _generate();
Replace specified value with a different value

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template<typename Cont1, typename Cont2, typename RectType>
void replace2d(
	const typename Cont1::value_type& _replace_value, 
	const typename Cont2::value_type& _with_value, 
	const RectType& _srcBounds, 
	const RectType& _dstBounds, 
	const Cont1& _src,
	Cont2& _dst)
	using type_1 = typename Cont1::value_type;
	using type_2 = typename Cont2::value_type;
	static_assert( std::is_same_v<type_1, type_2>,
		"Container::value_type must be the same for both containers."

		_srcBounds.Width() == _dstBounds.Width() &&
		_srcBounds.Height() == _dstBounds.Height() &&
		"Source and destination RectTypes must be same dimensions." );

	for( int y = 0; y < _srcBounds.height; ++y )
		const auto srcy = y + _srcBounds.Top();
		const auto dsty = y + _dstBounds.Top();

		for( int x = 0; x < _srcBounds.width; ++x )
			const auto srcx = x + _srcBounds.Left();
			const auto dstx = x + _dstBounds.Left();

			if( _src( srcx, srcy ) == _replace_value )
				_dst( dstx, dsty ) = _with_value;
Replace values in destination with source depending on result of call to Pred

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template<typename Cont1, typename Cont2, typename RectType, typename Pred>
void replace2d_if(
	const typename Cont1::value_type& _new_value,
	const RectType& _srcBounds,
	const RectType& _dstBounds,
	const Cont1& _src, 
	Cont2& _dst,
	Pred&& _pred )
		_srcBounds.Width() == _dstBounds.Width() &&
		_srcBounds.Height() == _dstBounds.Height() &&
		"Source and destination RectTypes must be same dimensions." );

	for( int y = 0; y < _srcBounds.height; ++y )
		const auto srcy = y + _srcBounds.Top();
		const auto dsty = y + _dstBounds.Top();

		for( int x = 0; x < _srcBounds.width; ++x )
			const auto srcx = x + _srcBounds.Left();
			const auto dstx = x + _dstBounds.Left();

			const auto& srcElement = _src( srcx, srcy );
			auto& dstElement = _dst( dstx, dsty );

			if( _pred( srcElement, dstElement ) )
				dstElement = _new_value;
Transform source element and assign to destination element

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template<typename Cont1, typename Cont2, typename RectType, typename Func>
void transform2d(
	const RectType& _srcBounds, const RectType& _dstBounds,
	const Cont1& _src, Cont2& _dst, Func&& _func )
	using type_1 = typename Cont1::value_type;
	using type_2 = typename Cont2::value_type;
	static_assert( std::is_same_v<type_1, type_2>,
		"Container::value_type must be the same for both containers."

		_srcBounds.Width() == _dstBounds.Width() &&
		_srcBounds.Height() == _dstBounds.Height() &&
		"Source and destination RectTypes must be same dimensions." );

	for( int y = 0; y < _srcBounds.height; ++y )
		const auto srcy = y + _srcBounds.Top();
		const auto dsty = y + _dstBounds.Top();

		for( int x = 0; x < _srcBounds.width; ++x )
			const auto srcx = x + _srcBounds.Left();
			const auto dstx = x + _dstBounds.Left();

			_dst( dstx, dsty ) = _func( _src( srcx, srcy ) );
Transform using two source pixels and assigning the result to destination element

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template<typename Cont1, typename Cont2, typename Cont3, typename RectType, typename Func>
void transform2d(
	const RectType& _srcBounds1, const RectType& _srcBounds2, const RectType& _dstBounds,
	const Cont1& _src1, const Cont1& _src2, Cont2& _dst, Func&& _func )
	using type_1 = typename Cont1::value_type;
	using type_2 = typename Cont2::value_type;
	using type_3 = typename Cont3::value_type;
	static_assert( std::conjunction_v<std::is_same<type_1, type_2>,std::is_same<type_2, type_3>>,
		"Container::value_type must be the same for all three containers."

		_srcBounds1.Width() ==  _dstBounds.Width() &&
		_srcBounds1.Height() == _dstBounds.Height() &&
		_srcBounds2.Width() == _srcBounds1.Width() && 
		_srcBounds2.Height() == _srcBounds1.Height() &&
		"Source and destination RectTypes must be same dimensions." );

	for( int y = 0; y < _srcBounds.height; ++y )
		const auto srcy1 = y + _srcBounds1.Top();
		const auto srcy2 = y + _srcBounds2.Top();
		const auto dsty = y + _dstBounds.Top();

		for( int x = 0; x < _srcBounds.width; ++x )
			const auto srcx1 = x + _srcBounds1.Left();
			const auto srcx2 = x + _srcBounds2.Left();
			const auto dstx = x + _dstBounds.Left();

			_dst( dstx, dsty ) = _func( _src1( srcx1, srcy1 ), _src2( srcx2, srcy2 ) );
If you think paging some data from disk into RAM is slow, try paging it into a simian cerebrum over a pair of optical nerves. - gameprogrammingpatterns.com

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Re: 2D algorithms

Post by albinopapa » April 2nd, 2019, 9:17 pm

To use these algorithms, some conditions must be met.

You must have a Rect class/struct with Left(), Top(), Right(), Bottom(), Width() and Height() member functions. You can define your Rect class however you like as long as those functions are there and return values that are associated with those names.

You must create containers ( Texture class, Sprite class, Surface class, etc ) with the call operator overloaded ( operator() ). One non-const version is used for setting values, and a const version for getting values. It must take an X and Y parameter which you will use to flatten into a 1D index and return back a value.

Your container must have a value_type alias, this helps the algorithms to detect of you are trying to assign mismatched values.

Example container

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class Array2D
   using value_type = int;
   value_type& operator()( int x, int y )noexcept
      assert( x >= 0 );
      assert( x < width );
      assert( y >= 0 );
      assert( y < height );
      return buffer[x + ( y * width )];
   const value_type& operator()( int x, int y )const noexcept
      assert( x >= 0 );
      assert( x < width );
      assert( y >= 0 );
      assert( y < height );
      return buffer[x + ( y * width )];

   int width = 0, height = 0;
   std::unique_ptr<value_type[]> buffer;
If you think paging some data from disk into RAM is slow, try paging it into a simian cerebrum over a pair of optical nerves. - gameprogrammingpatterns.com

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Re: 2D algorithms

Post by albinopapa » April 2nd, 2019, 9:38 pm

Now, really I can only think of image processing that uses two dimensions that would benefit from these algorithms, so here's a few examples using them in that way.

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void D3DGraphics::BeginFrame()noexcept
	fill2d( Colors::black, RectI{ 0,0,ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight }, surface );

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void D3DGraphics::EndFrame()
		// Custom wrapper for locking/unlocking the back buffer
		// as well as copying pixels to the back buffer
		D3D9RenderTarget target( pBackBuffer.Get() );
		copy2d( RectI{ 0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight }, surface, target );

	const auto result = pDevice->Present( nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr );
	assert( !FAILED( result ) );

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void D3DGraphics::DrawSprite( int xoff, int yoff, const Sprite& sprite )noexcept
	auto notIsAlpha = [ & ]( const Color& _color ) { return !sprite.IsKey( _color ); };

	const auto srcRect = RectI{ 0,0,int( sprite.Width() ),int( sprite.Height() ) };
	const auto dstRect = RectI{ xoff,yoff,int( sprite.Width() ),int( sprite.Height() ) };

	copy2d_if( srcRect, dstRect, sprite, surface, notIsAlpha );

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void D3DGraphics::DrawChar( char c, int xoff, int yoff, const Font& font, Color color )noexcept
	const auto srcRect = font.CharRect( c );
	const auto dstRect = RectI{ 

	replace2d( Colors::black, color, srcRect, dstRect, font, surface );

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void D3DGraphics::DrawDisc( int cx, int cy, int r, Color color )noexcept
	auto Square = []( auto _value ) {return _value * _value; };

	const auto rSq = Square( r );
	const auto dstRect = RectI{ cx - r,cy - r,r * 2,r * 2 };
	int index = 0;

	auto generate_disc = [ & ]()
		const auto y = ( index / dstRect.width ) - r;
		const auto x = ( index % dstRect.width ) - r;


		const auto distSq = Square( x ) + Square( y );

		return ( distSq < rSq ) ? color : surface( x + cx, y + cy );

	generate2d( dstRect, surface, generate_disc );

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void D3DGraphics::DrawCircle( int cx, int cy, int radius, Color color )noexcept
	if( radius == 0 )return;

	const auto iRadSq = sq( radius - 1 );
	const auto oRadSq = sq( radius );
	const auto bounds =
		ClipToScreen( cx - radius, cy - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2 ) + Vec2i( cx, cy );

	int i = 0;
	for_each2d( bounds, surface, [ & ]( Color& dest )
		const int x = ( i % bounds.width ) - radius;
		const int y = ( i / bounds.width ) - radius;
		const auto distSq = sq( x ) + sq( y );

		if( distSq >= iRadSq && distSq < oRadSq )
			dest = color;
	} );

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void D3DGraphics::DrawRectangle( const RectI& _rect, Color color )noexcept
	fill2d( color, _rect, surface );

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void D3DGraphics::DrawSpriteAlphaBlend( int x, int y, const Sprite & sprite ) noexcept
	auto AlphaBlend = []( const Color src1, const Color src2 )
		const auto alpha = src1.GetA();
		const auto iAlpha = 255u - alpha;

		return Color(
			( ( src1.GetR() * alpha ) + ( src2.GetR() * iAlpha ) ) >> 8u,
			( ( src1.GetG() * alpha ) + ( src2.GetG() * iAlpha ) ) >> 8u,
			( ( src1.GetB() * alpha ) + ( src2.GetB() * iAlpha ) ) >> 8u

	const auto srcRect = RectI( 0, 0, sprite.Width(), sprite.Height() );
	const auto dstRect = RectI( x, y, sprite.Width(), sprite.Height() );
		srcRect, dstRect, dstRect,
		sprite, surface, surface,
		AlphaBlend );
(1.32 KiB) Downloaded 133 times
Last edited by albinopapa on April 3rd, 2019, 2:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Fixed some bugs in the attached file.
If you think paging some data from disk into RAM is slow, try paging it into a simian cerebrum over a pair of optical nerves. - gameprogrammingpatterns.com

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Re: 2D algorithms

Post by albinopapa » April 3rd, 2019, 12:22 am

You'll have to clip the bounding rectangles to the screen as to not draw off screen. Here's a good function that will return you back a clipped to screen rectangle.

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RectI D3DGraphics::ClipToScreen( const RectI & rect ) const noexcept
	return {
		std::max( -rect.Left(), 0 ),						
		std::max( -rect.Top(), 0 ),						
		std::min( ScreenWidth - rect.Left(),rect.Width() ),	
		std::min( ScreenHeight - rect.Top(),rect.Height() )	
I just found myself using in every draw function, so I just put it in a function in itself.

A more generalized one for other uses:

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template<typename RectType>
RectType ClipRectToRect( const RectType& rect, const RectType& bounds )
	assert( bounds.Width() > rect.Width() );
	assert( bounds.Height() > rect.Height() );

	return RectType{
		std::max( -rect.Left(), bounds.Left() ),
		std::max( -rect.Top(), bounds.Top() ),
		std::min( bounds.Width() - rect.Left(), rect.Width() ),
		std::min( bounds.Height() - rect.Top(), rect.Height() )
If you think paging some data from disk into RAM is slow, try paging it into a simian cerebrum over a pair of optical nerves. - gameprogrammingpatterns.com

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Re: 2D algorithms

Post by chili » April 3rd, 2019, 3:47 pm

These generic functions look like they would come in handy in a bunch of places :)

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Re: 2D algorithms

Post by albinopapa » April 3rd, 2019, 6:59 pm

Yeah, am testing them out in another scenario besides graphics right now actually, well sort of. Remember the maze project I made a few years back? Well, I never really could figure out a good way of procedurally generating collision tiles. It's been coming up in the back of my mind every so often and I think I have a plan.
If you think paging some data from disk into RAM is slow, try paging it into a simian cerebrum over a pair of optical nerves. - gameprogrammingpatterns.com

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