Why does not the framework use DirectXTK for mouse/keyboard?

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Why does not the framework use DirectXTK for mouse/keyboard?

Post by therealdtrump » December 28th, 2018, 11:43 am

So I checked the framework and tried to understand how the keybaord/mouse interaction worked.

So basically the framework registered a message loop in HandleMsg try to pool what message is coming in. So a completely new mouse/keyboard class is wrapped.

I found the DirectXTK has the mouse/keyboard class, why not use this? Just curious. I mean, the Microsoft has already done the work.

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Re: Why does not the framework use DirectXTK for mouse/keybo

Post by albinopapa » December 29th, 2018, 6:49 am

In the chili framework, there is a mouse and keyboard class, but each class has an Event class that get's cached, not the whole mouse and keyboard instance.

The idea for the framework was to avoid having to rely on 3rd party ( not apart of the standard library or Windows SDK ) thus making it easier for beginners learning C++ to use.
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