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Interaction animation

Posted: August 15th, 2013, 12:58 pm
by Psychoman
Hello , I'd like to know how can make an interaction character with the "world".I know some stuff in 3D Max , so I can make animation there ,but how can input that stuff into code( I'm at the beginning of interm. lesson 7,so I don't know if that stuff will be in some lessons ) ?

Re: Interaction animation

Posted: August 15th, 2013, 2:59 pm
by albinopapa
If you had a program to load BVH files or DAE collada files, then depending on if you want frame animations kind of like a 3D version of 2D animation where you just record the vertex positions for each frame and then render, or bone animation where you record joint angle rotations and have the computer calculate position then render.

Re: Interaction animation

Posted: August 15th, 2013, 6:53 pm
by Psychoman
Ok, I'll change the question a little bit , how can I deal with animation using DX, just some other way then chilli did with walking dude, when you have 1 sprite (illustration or stuff) and you want to do animation?

Re: Interaction animation

Posted: August 15th, 2013, 7:55 pm
by LuisR14
well for 3D you would have to deal with the WVP matrices (world-view-projection)

you would create the projection matrix at program start (only purpose is to convert all the 3D calculations into 2D image)
then you'd create and modify the view matrix (which is the camera) everytime the camera changes (may it be 1st-person or 3rd-person :P)
then you'd create and edit the world matrix for each object in the "world" and the last object to be rendered into the world would be the character (or player) and it would be then when you handle the "interaction" and animation :P

edit: well thinking about it, with the depth calculations involved in 3D the player doesn't necessarily have to be the last "object" to be rendered into the world lol :)

Re: Interaction animation

Posted: August 15th, 2013, 8:52 pm
by Psychoman
Ok , where can I find this stuff ?)Cause your explanation made me nervous) ( just gets me a feeling that i'm hole bunch of poo's and the light in the end of the tunnel is 1 km far ( or more ) ).

Re: Interaction animation

Posted: August 15th, 2013, 9:05 pm
by LuisR14
:lol: well xD, in DirectX there's the D3DXMATRIX structures, the D3DXMatrix** functions and macros and {D3D device variable}->SetTransform (with param 1 set as either D3DTS_PROJECTION, _VIEW or _WORLD) to set them :P (dam technical stuff, lol poos, light 1km end of tunnel xD)

edit: i've always had trouble with setting them up properly :/