Lesson 12 Assignment ( I NEED HELP )

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Lesson 12 Assignment ( I NEED HELP )

Post by ElmerCoder » March 7th, 2013, 5:44 pm

Soo.. I did'nt understand that much in the lesson 12 which is bad :(.
Would never be able to create those stuff by myself later on Example :
XOState ( int ix,int iy, ) Or what it was and do all those piece of Shit.

Well, i do have problems with the hard AI to get it smarter... Can't figure out where to write and how to write the solution to this
i would think something like if( s0 = s1 && s1 = O )
activePlayer DrawX ( 2,0 )
but i simply have no idea how to do it ( And what i wrote up here must be wrong )
and WHERE to write it :/ would be great if someone told me and Chili u should show all the solutions so we can understand :). Anyways nice tutorials.

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Re: Lesson 12 Assignment ( I NEED HELP )

Post by krutin86 » March 15th, 2013, 2:25 am

Look at my other thread. I was able to make my algorithm better but the one in that thread will definitely get you started. You would want to do it after the user makes his/her move but before you draw X because you want to know where to put the X before you actually place it.

You could also do it the way you had it, you were on the right track. You can make a bunch of if statements where you check for s0 and s1. You would not only have to test for the adjacent cells, but also s0 s2 because you can put an X in s1 and game over, right? In order to do it this way, you'll need a shitload of if statements.


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