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by albinopapa
November 29th, 2022, 8:59 am
Forum: Everything
Topic: Need some advice on self promotion / distribution
Replies: 3
Views: 15503

Re: Need some advice on self promotion / distribution

If you aren't opposed to making your first attempt open source, you can use GitHub to host the source code. This would allow you to just give the link to your repository, and accept pull requests from anyone willing to help if needed as well as an issue tracker. Once you have done that, I would post...
by albinopapa
November 29th, 2022, 8:52 am
Forum: Everything
Topic: Virtual keys can't detect RIGHT/LEFT Ctrl/Alt/Shift
Replies: 2
Views: 17287

Re: Virtual keys can't detect RIGHT/LEFT Ctrl/Alt/Shift ... nckeystate

You'll have to call GetASyncKeyState() to determine which control, shift or alt button was pressed.
by albinopapa
November 29th, 2022, 8:47 am
Forum: Everything
Topic: Constructor of "Game" class
Replies: 2
Views: 15310

Re: Constructor of "Game" class

In C++ there is something called forward declarations. Because C++ relies on headers ( .h files ) and including header A that includes header B which includes header A would be a never ending loop of inclusions we forward declare some classes to avoid this. The way you do this is with the 'class' ke...
by albinopapa
July 8th, 2022, 3:21 am
Forum: Everything
Topic: patreon
Replies: 2
Views: 15521

Re: patreon

You may have to message chili directly either here or on Discord. Not sure how often he checks in on these forums.
by albinopapa
July 8th, 2022, 3:21 am
Forum: Everything
Topic: Chili Sound Pack
Replies: 1
Views: 13712

Re: Chili Sound Pack

Interesting, thanks for sharing.

The sound system is pretty basic, glad you were able to make enough sense of all that crazy code to make that change.
by albinopapa
February 8th, 2022, 11:06 pm
Forum: Everything
Topic: Sand Simulator / 2D Fun
Replies: 19
Views: 29189

Re: Sand Simulator / 2D Fun

I was more wondering about the algorithm and structure you use to find collisions. Surely you aren't testing each particle against every other particle, right?
by albinopapa
February 8th, 2022, 10:59 pm
Forum: Everything
Topic: Fun with templates
Replies: 7
Views: 15122

Re: Fun with templates

Yeah, there is a setting that formats when you press TAB or when you type '}' or ';'. The TAB thing is pretty annoying since it's a pretty common button to press and it formats the entire document. The '}' formats the current scope/block and the ';' formats the current line/statement. I disabled the...
by albinopapa
February 8th, 2022, 9:56 am
Forum: Everything
Topic: Unreal videos
Replies: 1
Views: 3991

Re: Unreal videos

I tried the UE development stuff in VS and without a huge tutorial I wasted so much of my time. That thing is a beast to compile.
by albinopapa
February 8th, 2022, 9:54 am
Forum: Everything
Topic: Fun with templates
Replies: 7
Views: 15122

Re: Fun with templates

For some reason the forum doesn't like me quoting or posting images, so I just respond like this: Conditional templates I keep forgetting you can use enums as non-type template parameters the same way you can use integers. Chaining conditional statements sucks for readability. I usually have to use ...
by albinopapa
February 8th, 2022, 8:41 am
Forum: Everything
Topic: Sand Simulator / 2D Fun
Replies: 19
Views: 29189

Re: Sand Simulator / 2D Fun

Looks good so far. I'd like to see the projectiles have a lighting effect on the terrain, but that's just me lol. Not sure what you're using for collision detection, like a quadtree or some other partitioning algorithm/structure, but doing something like that might help with drawing as well. I had m...