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Chili, help a brother out.

Posted: August 15th, 2020, 6:40 pm
by Anarkus
So over the past six months or so I've learned a considerable amount about c++ and just coding in general; thanks in no small way to Chili.

That being said even though I'm fairly confident in my skills now I can't get a job to save my life. Which is understandable considering that I have no CS degree and only about a year of coding under my belt.

I guess my question is; what can I do to make myself look like a better candidate other than getting the degree. Don't get me wrong I'm considering it but I want to try to focus on building an impressive git and developing skills.

What things do you think are very marketable skills to put on a resume? What sort of projects can I work on for my git to impress the average hiring manager? I'm not sure if they'll appreciate chili game code as much as I do.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Chili, help a brother out.

Posted: August 16th, 2020, 3:21 am
by Slidy
Projects that are relevant to the place you are applying to probably have a better chance of being effective. e.g. if you want to get into web dev showing them a website you made (or similar web related project) would be the best way to showcase your skills.

As for showing git competency & working with teams, you could try contributing to open source projects.

Re: Chili, help a brother out.

Posted: August 17th, 2020, 1:48 am
by Anarkus
Sure, relevant work is great; I guess I was more looking for general stuff to make it look sexy. Like "Hey every programmer should know how to do this" stuff.

Re: Chili, help a brother out.

Posted: August 17th, 2020, 4:12 am
by albinopapa
Perhaps ask if there is any chance of a person without a CS degree getting a position there and if so, what skills would be needed? What languages they use? and if there is an internship where you might be able to get them to pay for the classes as payment.