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Posted: July 29th, 2018, 10:33 pm
by MrGodin
Well, i finally got a phone (Galaxy A5) and made my first "hello world" app via VS. Just downloaded Android Studio and am going to play around with it. (havta learn Java .. ugg).
Has anyone played around with both VS and Android studio to make apps? .. if so, which do you prefer?
Wish me luck

Re: Android

Posted: July 30th, 2018, 5:37 am
by albinopapa
I tried, but I use AMD cpus and most of the Android emulators are Intel accelerated, so I gave up when it took over 5 minutes for my virtual android to boot up.

Re: Android

Posted: July 30th, 2018, 7:35 am
by MyK_00L
I tried using Android Studio at first, but it was too heavy for my pc.
Now I am using Cordova in visual studio.
If you'd like your app to be cross-platform I think visual studio is the best.
Also it seems like vs also supports mobile development with c++, haven't really tried it out though.
If you want to make a platform specific app and your pc can handle Android Studio, I would still give it a try. ;)
PS Cordova might be light but it has some downsides i really don't like:
  • html
  • css
  • js
Since Cordova is bacically a webview with some plugins and a way to interface with several platforms, you have to use html, css and js.
And js is very awful.

Re: Android

Posted: July 30th, 2018, 10:40 am
by chili
ECMA Script is the devil.

But since it's a M$ shindig, I bet you can get it to play nicely with TypeScript. TypeScript is a decent upgrade from ECMAS.

Re: Android

Posted: July 30th, 2018, 12:06 pm
by MyK_00L
I just saw what typescript is.
It seems quite useful, although in the end it compiles to js.
I hope in the future they will make a good scripting language to replace js and that it will get replaced.
I'll go keep dreming.

Re: Android

Posted: July 30th, 2018, 12:24 pm
by chili
I mean, C++ compiles to asm. That doesn't diminish it in any shape or form.

js is evolving and getting better. It has some nice shit. Hopefully the cancerous shit will get deprecated out little by little. Don't hold your breath for the language itself being displaced anytime soon.

Re: Android

Posted: July 31st, 2018, 4:01 am
by albinopapa
So, TypeScript compiles to JavaScript which then is interpreted by C/C++ that gets compiled to ASM which then gets compiled to bytecode which is decoded by the ARM part of the x86 processor, loads of fun.

Re: Android

Posted: September 14th, 2018, 5:18 pm
by Florian3321
I use the android ndk for c++ android development. Visual Studio offers a "plugin" in the installation manager where you can install that. It, in my opinion works better as the Android Studio ndk support. But is has it problems... For example connected to an emulator and getting an error back 3 times in a row and then it works fine. But you can develop easily for Android and do not have to write your own cmake thing.

Re: Android

Posted: January 7th, 2019, 9:45 pm
by jancnahn
Hi, I just finished learning c++ from the beginner tutorial series, and I’m also interested in making a simple android app. Are there native android commands that work like our glorious PutPixel? Also are there better tutorials than showing Hello World? I wish to create a game loop, and the Android Studio tutorials that I’ve seen so far just ask me to follow their blueprints, not explaining what’s exactly going on in terms of declaring variables and functions...

Re: Android

Posted: March 5th, 2019, 1:05 pm
by Florian3321
Hi jancnahn,
If you want to write native code I would suggest going here:
With the extension of VS the build is handled for you. That was a nice thing for me because I did not had to learn cmake for building a library that gets then packed into your apk. The book "Android NDK Beginners Guide" also helped me. Maybe my project helps you as a starting point: (should not be an advertisement just a helpful place to start maybe). I think you can do a putpixel like call in java land somehow but in c++ I would not know how to do it other then creating a texture in opengl and "putting pixel on it". I hope this helps a bit:)
