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Im A Failure With Header Files

Posted: September 30th, 2017, 1:41 am
by Skinde
I tried coding a program in which a box called car moves around a track with a green "zone" by minute 5 I had already failed, the car doesn't draw and I can't figure out the getters and setters, plz help...

The Header File:

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#pragma once

#include "Keyboard.h"
#include "Mouse.h"
#include "Graphics.h"

class Game
	Game( class MainWindow& wnd );
	Game( const Game& ) = delete;
	Game& operator=( const Game& ) = delete;
	void Go();
	void ComposeFrame(int x = 1, int y = 1, int r = 0, int g = 0, int b = 0);
	void UpdateModel();
	/*  User Functions              */
	MainWindow& wnd;
	Graphics gfx;
	/*  User Variables              */
	int Carx = 100, Cary = 100; //Car X And Y Starting Coordinates
	int Game::GetCarx(int x) //X Coordinate Getter
		x = Carx;
		return x;
	int Game::GetCary(int y) // Y Coordinate Getter 
		y = Cary;
		return y;
The Cpp File:

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Game::Game( MainWindow& wnd )
	wnd( wnd ),
	gfx( wnd )

void Game::Go()

void Game::UpdateModel()

void Game::ComposeFrame(int x, int y, int r, int g, int b)
	int screen_height, screen_lenght, DrawX, DrawY; 
	GetCarx(DrawX); //Gets Car X and Y Coordinates Without Modisfyng them

	for (int DrawX; DrawX <= 200; DrawX++) //Suposed To Draw A Red Box
		for (int DrawY; DrawY <= 300; DrawY++)
			gfx.PutPixel(DrawX, DrawY, 200, 0, 0);

	for (int screen_height = 0; screen_height <= 799; screen_height++) //Draws The Green layer on the bottom of the screen
		for (int screen_lenght = 400; screen_lenght <= 599; screen_lenght++)
			gfx.PutPixel(screen_height, screen_lenght, 0, 200, 0);
Edited by albinopapa put code in code tags

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Re: Im A Failure With Header Files

Posted: September 30th, 2017, 5:56 am
by albinopapa
First, I'm a little confused by this

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   int Game::GetCarx(int x) //X Coordinate Getter
      x = Carx;
      return x;
   int Game::GetCary(int y) // Y Coordinate Getter 
      y = Cary;
      return y;
You pass in an X and Y, then assign a member CarX and CarY to them and pass out the X and Y, why not just pass out the CarX and CarY?

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   int Game::GetCarx() //X Coordinate Getter
      return Carx;
   int Game::GetCary() // Y Coordinate Getter 
      return Cary;
The next thing kind of explains the first thing I suppose

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   int screen_height, screen_lenght, DrawX, DrawY; 
   GetCarx(DrawX); //Gets Car X and Y Coordinates Without Modisfyng them
Your Get functions return a value, so you can treat them like values themselves.

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   int screen_height, screen_lenght, DrawX, DrawY; 
   int DrawX = GetCarx(); // Gets car X coordinate without modifying them
   int DrawY = GetCary(); // Gets car Y coordinate without modifying them
Since the functions return a copy of CarX/CarY you can do anything you want with the returned values.

There is a way to get the style you are going for to work, but I believe having them return a value and assigning the returned value to a new variable as I have shown is a better route.

Re: Im A Failure With Header Files

Posted: September 30th, 2017, 5:58 am
by albinopapa

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int screen_height, screen_lenght
Declaring your variables at the top of the function is a bad idea, you should declare them just before using them and you should initialize them when you declare them if possible. You have those two declared at the top of ComposeFrame, but then you declare new instances of them in the two for loops at the bottom.