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Orbitals first game

Posted: July 17th, 2017, 2:21 pm
by OrbitalReign
From form lurker to.... well ... probably form lurker still but might as well add my piece.

First off - cheers chili , love your work.

So iv got up to beginner 13 and decided to side track from that triple A poo game and start fresh on my own title to get that knowledge sunk in. Though i probably spent to much time on redundant putpixel calls i think its been a good challenge.

Anyway it has a goal , lives and heath so as good as any adventure game on the market.
The controls are the arrow keys and shift is to pick up and drop the little blue box in the green square.
btw you might be doomed if the platforms don't spawn in your favour.

Re: Orbitals first game

Posted: July 17th, 2017, 2:23 pm
by chili
10 / 10 would play again :kappa:


Needs more game ;)

Re: Orbitals first game

Posted: July 17th, 2017, 2:40 pm
by OrbitalReign
Hmm it appears im a complete noob and dont know what im doing.

im assuming uploading the exe in attachments doesnt work

Re: Orbitals first game

Posted: July 17th, 2017, 4:13 pm
by Zedtho
It worked for me! Its a very fun game! I like that you programmed there to be Square "corpses". I would perhaps have a different "win" screen than a gameover screen (unless I just lost every time, then my bad). Posting the code would help us (not really me though, Im a noob) check your code and see where it could be improved (mainly for future projects, or that's how I take it most of the time).
Anyways, it's a good idea that you've started making your own games already, that really helps to understand what you've been making.

Re: Orbitals first game

Posted: July 17th, 2017, 6:49 pm
by albinopapa
So, what's the goal? lol
I'm guessing the platforms didn't spawn in my favor, the green box was too high to place the block if that's the goal. Tried jumping and releasing the shift key in time, but I just died...repeatedly.

Re: Orbitals first game

Posted: July 18th, 2017, 3:20 am
by chili
Pretty good idea, controls work nicely, as does the platforming physics (how you move with the platform when you are standing on it). I wasn't able to achieve the goal either though.

Overall, nice little practice project you've made here.

Re: Orbitals first game

Posted: July 18th, 2017, 8:03 am
by ceofil
Looks great. I like it. Looking forward to see what you're doing.

Re: Orbitals first game

Posted: July 18th, 2017, 9:33 am
by OrbitalReign
Cheers guys, yeah it was pretty much just a death simulator till i stitched in the goal at the last minute to make it a game. I couldn't come up with a simple way of setting the random distribution of the platforms to stay close enough to work either so something good to work on.

Stay tuned for more while i go get some more tools and experience under my belt.