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Just some random musings for when I get bored.

Posted: July 20th, 2014, 4:00 am
by PutPixel255
Just wondering how many of you are doing the tutorials on the lonesome. Kinda hard to stay motivated without any encouragement from people in my space.
Ah, whatever I was thinking of making some videos myself, but not sure on what. Perhaps my philosophical ramblings on how I think the universe works and time. Bras <| and kets |> are about as far as I got in that subject, but it could be on anything.

Re: Just some random musings for when I get bored.

Posted: July 20th, 2014, 4:36 am
by chili
Don't know much about <| and kets |>, but bras...

Re: Just some random musings for when I get bored.

Posted: July 20th, 2014, 4:59 am
by PutPixel255
Meh :| to your whatever the hell that was link. < | > Yea, that's just some dork humour physicists thought would be funny. Anyway bra kets are just vectors in generalized coordinate systems in a physics context. ... iuma37SUi1

Re: Just some random musings for when I get bored.

Posted: July 20th, 2014, 5:22 am
by PutPixel255
I think I'll partake in those game reviews you did back in the day just for shits and giggles. Hopefully get the mojo running again for programming. I'll be sure to send a bunch of likes your way buddy.

Re: Just some random musings for when I get bored.

Posted: July 20th, 2014, 5:24 am
by chili
It was a link to pictures of men in bras. Nothing to difficult to comprehend about that. Hey George, what d'you like better? The bro, or the mansiere?

Seriously though, quantum mechanics is pretty interesting stuff. Wish I had more free time to faff around with things like that.

Ah, the let's plays... they deserve deletion, yet I just cannot bring myself to do it.

Re: Just some random musings for when I get bored.

Posted: July 20th, 2014, 5:42 am
by PutPixel255
Yea, I saw that. I couldn't back out of it quick enough.
Ah, don't delete the Let's Play. It's vintage Chili. Like if your ever famous people will see them.

Re: Just some random musings for when I get bored.

Posted: July 20th, 2014, 6:03 am
by chili
That's what I'm afraid of.

Re: Just some random musings for when I get bored.

Posted: July 21st, 2014, 11:54 pm
by SpaceAnimation
^^ ROFL.. the lets plays are awesome! KEEP EM!